I often get asked by new parents, "What if my baby is wide awake for their newborn session?" It's a common concern, and I completely understand why! After all, those dreamy, sleepy newborn photos are what we all envision when we think of capturing those first precious moments.

Why Sleepy Photos are Ideal
When your baby is peacefully asleep, we can pose them in those adorable, curled-up positions that highlight just how tiny and precious they are. Sleepy babies are easier to work with, allowing us to create those timeless images that capture the serenity and sweetness of newborns.

But What If Your Baby is Wide Awake?
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, your little one might decide that their newborn session is the perfect time to stay wide awake. Maybe they’re curious about their new surroundings, or they just want to be part of the action. Whatever the reason, it's perfectly okay!
Here’s the good news: I actually kind of PREFER when babies show up to the studio awake. It gives me more control over the flow of your newborn session. I just start with an awake pose (when we use the plain white backdrop for this, we call them mugshots). I let babe wear themselves out for a bit before I gradually move on to wrapped poses. By that time, babe is typically worn out enough to crash. Even if they fight it for longer than usual, I’ve got plenty of tricks up my sleeve to help lull your baby into a peaceful slumber. From gentle rocking to the soothing sound of white noise and vibration, we’ll try various techniques to help them relax. I also always recommend bringing a pacifier for your baby's photos even if they don't usually use one. It just helps us a little bit more in that transition from awake to sleepy.

Shameless Plug
One of our favorite tools for soothing cranky babies into a deep slumber is the Sleepy Vibes! This is one of the many amazing posing tools we sell on our sister site, The Newborn Nerds. It's a little bean shaped vibrating pillow that plays white noise, and babies love it!
A Stress-Free Experience
Remember, the most important thing is that your newborn session is a relaxed and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. The more stressed you are, the more stressed baby will be. Whether they sleep through the entire session or stay awake for most of it, we’ll create beautiful memories that you’ll cherish forever. So, if you’re worried about your baby being wide awake during their session, take a deep breath and know that we’ve got it all covered. The result will be a collection of stunning images that celebrate your little one, no matter how awake or asleep they might be.
